Reimagining Reproductive Justice: a community workshop with Erin Maye Quade and UnRestrict MN.

Join us on Wednesday, 3/25 for Kaleo Center’s March KaleoExpress workshop –  Reimagining Reproductive Justice: A Community Workshop with Erin Maye Quade and UnRestrict MN.


All are welcome and registration is free. 

Wednesday, March 25th. Bagels, coffee, non-dairy treats, gluten-free delights, and good company starting at 8:30 a.m. Workshop from 9:00 a.m. – 10:30a.m

United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities (A pro-Queer, pro-LGBT, progressive, multi-faith seminary.) 767 Eustis Street, Saint Paul. (See parking information below.)

We long for a world where we care for each other. We long for a world that affirms our inherent sovereignty over our bodies, that recognizes our agency to say yes and to to say no. We long for world where access to reproductive health care is free, and easily available, and delivered with compassion and love and with an awareness of culture and identities and the complexities of holding more than one thing in our bodies and in our spirits.

If we want that world, then we have to fight for it. Anti-reproductive justice lawmakers in Minnesota have been quietly passing a raft of new laws that restrict reproductive health services such as abortion, intimidate providers, and patients, and radically increase costs for accessing care. We know that the burden of these laws will be borne disproportionately by Native people, Black people, Brown people, people of color, Indigenous people, queer people, trans people, and people who lack access to financial resources. We know that these laws will hurt all of our communities.

So let’s do something about. Former candidate for lieutenant governor and all around rock-star Erin Maye Quade will be joining us for our March KaleoExpress workshop to talk about what we can do to take reproductive justice back in our state. Along with an amazing group of organizers and community members, Erin has been helping to lead the UnRestrict MN campaign – a statewide public engagement campaign created to ensure that all of us have access to the reproductive health care we need.

Join us. Learn with us. Act with us. Spread the word and tell your friends. We can’t wait to see you on March 25th.

Feel free to come late and leave early – we know that folks have lives that do not always run in straight lines. Children welcome!

United is fully accessible to power-chairs, has gender-neutral and single stall bathrooms, and is located close to bus lines and light rail.

If you have access needs, please contact Kaleo Co-Director at so that we can accommodate you. We will be live-streaming the event for people who aren’t able to be there in person.


Please park in the south lot at the corner of Wabash and Eustis Streets. You will see a large metal structure in the parking lot, and a large “CASE” sign over the main entrance doors. You will *not* see a sign for United Theological Seminary. Once you come in the building, proceed straight ahead past the various creative iterations of tables, couches, past the workspaces under construction, and past the whimsical indoor lawn games, and look for the “United Theological Seminary” sign. Enter the door underneath the sign, and follow the internal directions to the chapel.

ABOUT Erin May Quade

Erin Maye Quade is the Advocacy Director at Gender Justice where she works to advance gender justice through public education, legislative outreach, strategic partnerships and coalition-building.

Former Rep. Erin Maye Quade was first elected to the Minnesota House of Representatives in 2016. She quickly established herself as a fierce advocate for working families championing paid family leave; expanding access to affordable child care; ending childhood hunger; eliminating gun violence; and investing in treatment for mental health and substance abuse issues. In 2018, Rep. Maye Quade founded the Childhood Hunger Caucus, a coalition of businesses, nonprofits and policymakers dedicated to ending childhood hunger in Minnesota.

After legislation to prevent gun violence was stopped by Republican lawmakers, Rep. Maye Quade held a 24-hour sit-in on the House floor to protest Republican inaction to prevent gun violence and shared stories of victims and survivors of gun violence. In June 2018, Rep. Erin Maye Quade was endorsed as the DFL candidate for Lt. Governor.


Calling Forth

Kaleo Center for Faith, Justice & Social Transformation offers a home for movement-building where our spiritual practices meet our work for justice and where our work for justice meets our varied faith traditions. We nourish relationships that honor and include our full spiritual selves. We convene spaces that invest in community across tradition and belief, and we organize with that community to take public action towards collective liberation.

Currently, Kaleo Center lives out our vision in three ways:

  1. We organize people across diverse faith traditions and communities of spiritual practice to act in meaningful solidarity with front-line local and national organizing for justice and liberation.
  2. We work in multiple settings to train leaders across diverse faith traditions and communities of spiritual practice in practices of community organizing and social transformation.
  3. We convene  a national field of social transformation within seminary education that fosters innovation and creativity for a new generation of spiritually-grounded movement makers.

Our work is possible because of the generosity and commitment of our donors. Thank you for making sure that we can continue to act boldly in the world towards justice. Become a Kaleo donor here!

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