Another Year | A Brighter Fire
Dear friend,
As the calendar year comes to a close, we are thrilled to share the 2018 Kaleo Center Annual Report with you.
After a year of hope and grief, of struggle and possibility, of conversations and complexity, we can think of no better way to reflect on our work towards justice than by doing so together.
2018 has been a year of growth, learning and leadership for Kaleo, and through it all, our relationships and collaborations have been at the heart of all that we do.
As you peruse our digital report, we invite you to think about ways in which you are ready to act boldly so that together, we might build a world based in collective liberation, knowing that none of us are free until all of us are free.
And to mark our year-end, please consider making a financial contribution to Kaleo Center, of any amount that is meaningful to you, either by making a one-time gift or by becoming a sustaining donor with a monthly contribution of any amount. Our donors make Kaleo possible. Because of your generosity and chutzpah, we are able to do the work of justice with integrity, planing horizons that extend through the present and into a future that we cannot yet fully know.
Thank you, so much, for being a part of the community that we call home.
With gratitude,
Chelsea, Liz, & Steve – The Kaleo Team
P.S. Click the image below to read the full report.