Course Description:
Faith-based community organizing (FBCO) is a powerful tool for public witness and social transformation. In this practicum seminar, students will integrate an understanding of the history and theory of community organizing with practical knowledge of the core disciplines – one-to-one relationships, building durable power, acting out of shared self-interest, propositioning, agitation, accountability, leadership development and public action grounded in theological praxis. Course components include participation in ISAIAH’s week long FBCO training, 8 hour a week organizing internship with experienced organizing mentor and bi-weekly integrative seminar.
This course will be conducted by Steve Newcom.
PLEASE NOTE: the course begins in August with a week-long ISAIAH’s FBCO training and includes an 8-hour per week internship. The class will meet on campus on a bi-weekly basis. Dates TBA.
Course details and enrollment information are located at this link: United Theological Seminary Course Catalog.